
May 31, 2011

It’s been a while. I’ve not posted anything new recently, which I’m sure has just completely devastated my rabid cult following. I have been remiss, but now I shall try to blog again, baby, try to blog agai… this is not a Sheryl Crow song self, knock it off.

Right, where was I? Thinking, thinking, thinking…. ok done. Nothing. Having spent the past few days on the beach, my sun addled brain is drawing a blank. I’ve had no shocking revelations. My life views, daily rituals, and ideologies have remained mostly untested and unchanged. The world in which I post this blog is mostly unchanged from the one in the past. Yes, we’ve killed a terrorist, had massive uprisings in the Middle East, and had a man with possibly the worst hairdo in history pretend to run for president. But none of that has personally affected me. If anything, it makes me feel even more inconsequential. I have done nothing in my life to leave an impact on this world, and nothing I ever do achieve will likely be recorded in the history books. One persons life, be they great or small, will eventually draw to a close, and life will continue on more or less as it has before. And to me, that is comforting. For anything shy of Armageddon, humanity will pick itself up, dust itself off, and continue its march to….? Infinity? Immortality? I honestly don’t know. I don’t know what is left for our species, for from a biological concept, what is left for us to do? We have spread to the most remote regions of our planet, placed ourselves at the top of any food chain we inhabit, reproduced at an alarming rate, and are able to shape the very earth in any manner we choose. So what is left? We have succeeded in rising from our humble scurrying ancestral roots to the lords and masters of our planet. And we continue to advance. Someday science fiction may become science fact and we may spread our seed into the heavens above, racing out among the stars to find new worlds to conquer.
And now I have rambled at length for no readily apparent reason. About a very impersonal and abstract concept. Now I will endeavor to collect my thoughts and post an actual blog that is relevant (if only to me).