
July 28, 2011

In a recent Halo Reach game as I unloaded clip after clip from my MA37 Individual Combat Weapon System (filling the air with lead deep within the confines of the dreaded “red team base”) in a valiant attempt to distract the enemy from the senseless slaughter of my poor teammate Mornaf as he armed a device to bring the building down on  the defenders heads. The Reds fell in droves, but onward they came, an unceasing tide of crimson. *click* I hear, as my final round finds it mark. Casting aside my now useless rifle with casual contempt, I draw a sidearm. But after a  clip and half, I fumble,  previous wounds making their presence known. Forced into retreat, I realize Mornaf would not be leaving this fortress alive. As if in confirmation, the distant rumble of a det charge shakes the fortress. I exfil with a heavy heart, when I am struck by an unaccounted realization. One, that is an ungodly long abomination of a meaningless opening sentence, but also, that I’m an incredibly lucky bastard when it comes to having  good friends.  They put up with my delusions of grandeur, my general jerkishness, and my above stated “bad case of the Nerd’s”. They put a smile on my face when I feel like everything is going to Hell, and aren’t afraid to let me know (over and over and over) when I’ve done something “slightly” stupid. :) I value each and every one of you, and without you guys I don’t think I’d make it. So thank you guys for putting up with me, and I honestly can’t wait till the next time I see you, you. But enough mushy stuff, I’m going to bed, dirtbags ;P

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July 11, 2011

Reviewing my previous posts and noticing that they have a lot of similarities with the whinings of sad little emo baby man-child, I have decided to take a different tack. I will discuss things such as kittens did you know kittens are the only animals on the planet that are capable of ripping through both steel and human flesh with equal ease? and butterflies butterflies: godless killing machines intent on genocide hampered only by their small stature. Wait, something wasn’t right there, there; here but with tea. Wait, here with tea? That’s just moronic,  more onic, from the Latin phrase, that’s even more than onic would have thought (Onic being the Greek warrior poet who argued that the earth was, in fact, square) That isn’t even true! You need to do a fact check! There was no red squiggle under that statement therefore it is true You are confusing it with spell check, but I’m not going to argue with Every journey begins with a single step and only end when you have traveled all the way back to the J For the life of me, I don’t even begin to know what means life ends in death, death ends with an h. This is sheer lunacy lunacy: adj. having lunar characteristics. What is happening he… Oh, gods, now I’m typing in italics Italics, people who are addicted to Italy.

Lies and halftruths

July 3, 2011

Rain splatters on the window as I gaze at the ceiling, contemplating the days events. Thoughts flit through my mind, each too rapid and unformed to clearly formalize into sentience. I recollect the previous days events (or was it the day before?) so uniform in their entirety that each begin to flow into the other. Static and unchanging. My conscience thoughts recede. Tonight, I will not contemplate my place in the universe, nor will I analyze my every thought or action. I stare through the ceiling, into the deep void of space; past the confines of thought or reason or emotion, into the deep wells of infinity. I awaken with a start, and the cycle begins anew.