
July 28, 2011

In a recent Halo Reach game as I unloaded clip after clip from my MA37 Individual Combat Weapon System (filling the air with lead deep within the confines of the dreaded “red team base”) in a valiant attempt to distract the enemy from the senseless slaughter of my poor teammate Mornaf as he armed a device to bring the building down on  the defenders heads. The Reds fell in droves, but onward they came, an unceasing tide of crimson. *click* I hear, as my final round finds it mark. Casting aside my now useless rifle with casual contempt, I draw a sidearm. But after a  clip and half, I fumble,  previous wounds making their presence known. Forced into retreat, I realize Mornaf would not be leaving this fortress alive. As if in confirmation, the distant rumble of a det charge shakes the fortress. I exfil with a heavy heart, when I am struck by an unaccounted realization. One, that is an ungodly long abomination of a meaningless opening sentence, but also, that I’m an incredibly lucky bastard when it comes to having  good friends.  They put up with my delusions of grandeur, my general jerkishness, and my above stated “bad case of the Nerd’s”. They put a smile on my face when I feel like everything is going to Hell, and aren’t afraid to let me know (over and over and over) when I’ve done something “slightly” stupid. :) I value each and every one of you, and without you guys I don’t think I’d make it. So thank you guys for putting up with me, and I honestly can’t wait till the next time I see you, you. But enough mushy stuff, I’m going to bed, dirtbags ;P

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July 11, 2011

Reviewing my previous posts and noticing that they have a lot of similarities with the whinings of sad little emo baby man-child, I have decided to take a different tack. I will discuss things such as kittens did you know kittens are the only animals on the planet that are capable of ripping through both steel and human flesh with equal ease? and butterflies butterflies: godless killing machines intent on genocide hampered only by their small stature. Wait, something wasn’t right there, there; here but with tea. Wait, here with tea? That’s just moronic,  more onic, from the Latin phrase, that’s even more than onic would have thought (Onic being the Greek warrior poet who argued that the earth was, in fact, square) That isn’t even true! You need to do a fact check! There was no red squiggle under that statement therefore it is true You are confusing it with spell check, but I’m not going to argue with Every journey begins with a single step and only end when you have traveled all the way back to the J For the life of me, I don’t even begin to know what means life ends in death, death ends with an h. This is sheer lunacy lunacy: adj. having lunar characteristics. What is happening he… Oh, gods, now I’m typing in italics Italics, people who are addicted to Italy.


May 31, 2011

It’s been a while. I’ve not posted anything new recently, which I’m sure has just completely devastated my rabid cult following. I have been remiss, but now I shall try to blog again, baby, try to blog agai… this is not a Sheryl Crow song self, knock it off.

Right, where was I? Thinking, thinking, thinking…. ok done. Nothing. Having spent the past few days on the beach, my sun addled brain is drawing a blank. I’ve had no shocking revelations. My life views, daily rituals, and ideologies have remained mostly untested and unchanged. The world in which I post this blog is mostly unchanged from the one in the past. Yes, we’ve killed a terrorist, had massive uprisings in the Middle East, and had a man with possibly the worst hairdo in history pretend to run for president. But none of that has personally affected me. If anything, it makes me feel even more inconsequential. I have done nothing in my life to leave an impact on this world, and nothing I ever do achieve will likely be recorded in the history books. One persons life, be they great or small, will eventually draw to a close, and life will continue on more or less as it has before. And to me, that is comforting. For anything shy of Armageddon, humanity will pick itself up, dust itself off, and continue its march to….? Infinity? Immortality? I honestly don’t know. I don’t know what is left for our species, for from a biological concept, what is left for us to do? We have spread to the most remote regions of our planet, placed ourselves at the top of any food chain we inhabit, reproduced at an alarming rate, and are able to shape the very earth in any manner we choose. So what is left? We have succeeded in rising from our humble scurrying ancestral roots to the lords and masters of our planet. And we continue to advance. Someday science fiction may become science fact and we may spread our seed into the heavens above, racing out among the stars to find new worlds to conquer.
And now I have rambled at length for no readily apparent reason. About a very impersonal and abstract concept. Now I will endeavor to collect my thoughts and post an actual blog that is relevant (if only to me).

Good Jobs, Steve.

April 14, 2011

As I sit and contently listen to my Ipod, (sorry for the lame pun above) I’m struck by just how much these things have affected my life. No grand epiphany or shocking revelation, but from a kid who’s first real foray into actually listening to music was a 2 gig nano way back freshman year, I owe a large amount of my musical tastes to these blasted things. At first those 2 gigs seemed like all the space I’d ever need, after a year or so, I just realized that it wouldn’t cut it anymore. So along came my 8 gig, which is when I realized all the different types of music there were. Gone were the days of “this song is popular, ergo it is good”. Now I could just listen to random peoples’ Itunes and decide for my self what I liked. And now here I sit, listening to track 98 out of 3597, knowing that each of the songs on here have been culled from a list. Each, a song I like, mayhaps not to listen to daily, but each song good in its own way. I started with whatever you would call that junk that came out in middle school, and have progressed in a million random directions. From Animals as Leaders to Boston, from Eyadea & Abilities to Marc Rizzo. And I owe it all to a device smaller than my hand.

Sorry for the lame Mulan shout out, I’ll try to keep my nerdisity under control. But… back to the matter at hand. I’ll appease my ego and start this with a brief autobiography. I was born March 5, 1992 in Boone Hospital in the wee hours of the morning. I was born to Charles and Tammy Dunn, the first and only child of their marriage. While I wish I could report that life went happily ever after and that love lasts forever, I have few memories of my parents together. They divorced while I was very young. While I will not deny that my parents splitting had an effect on me, it didn’t ruin my life, and I’m not an emotional wreck that can never have a meaningful relationship. In truth, I have a working relationship with both my parents, and though several times I have feared them to be strained almost to the point of breaking, we have always been able to sort things out. I started out my life as a southern Baptist, and was even enrolled in a Christian school until the second grade. After that, I went to public school were my soul was corrup.. actually no, I met what will hopefully be several friends for life going through the public education system, and a good deal of who I am today reflects their influences. And so ushered in my high school career, we’ll just omit my freshman and sophomore years, I was a shy,stuck up, pretentious ass. During my junior year, I fell in love, fought with my parents, and went from just being an ass, to a (sometimes) decent human being who just acted like an ass. I started to become my own person; no longer was my opinion measured as lesser than those of others. And the arrogance of that stance sometimes burnt me, but it also let me make mistakes and to learn from them. Senior year was a blur, I moped around, dejected and heartbroken for a bit, got over it, made nice and moved on. After graduation, I began working at Food Lion and acting in community theatre. There I met the next woman I let into my heart, but since I’m still sorting out exactly how I feel, we’ll just stick with acknowledging we dated and stating we have since ceased to. The next woman to steal my heart? Hopefully, she is out there hiding somewhere, waiting to be discovered. And now I’m in college, having met some pretty cool guys and gals to waste my time hanging with. And that brings us to the now, me sitting here,  in my dorm, wasting time on this blog :)

And fyi dear readers, after this, I’ve decided to pick a single topic and ramble on about it for a while, so hopefully they will be slightly less jumbled than this one.

Well… you see,

April 4, 2011

Being the trend-setter that I am, I have decided to start publishing a blog. They will be incremental, seldom have any readily apparent rhyme or reason, and will probably end up making me look the fool, for I seem to play that role most easily. Oh, and yes, for me, being “deep and meaningful” often goes hand in hand with a small dose of melancholy. So, I’ll apologize for any sad-ons I give people. But now that’s out of the way…..